Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Cowboyin with Samuel

Samuel got to go with me the other day to a little branding ( to all you city slickers, that is when you brand, vaccinate, castrate, etc. cattle) You sqeem, but you can thank all these folks for those tasty hamburgers, fajitas and steaks you enjoy!!
Samuel had a BLAST!!!

I haven't outgrown my love for cowboyin yet. This is on the Bed Rock ranch north of Decatur. 4,ooo acres that look just like Wyoming... What a blast...What an awesome time with Samuel... Next week I get to go out with a Real Chuckwagon for a day of branding on the Silverbrook Ranch out by Abilene. It is a "little" bigger, over 20,000 acres. They still rope the calves there and drag them to the fire. Enough room to actually get me a little saddle sore... God is so good!!!


Stephen Bailey said...

First of all, those pictures are great! The closest I ever got to being a cowboy was playing in dives in a country band.
Secondly, thanks for the call today. It always brightens my day.
Thirdly, I wonder what Mickelson would shoot from the white tees at "The Rock". 55? 53? Lower?

Brad said...

I think I'm a little bit more Country than Stephen, but I'll never catch up to you Cowboy Ty. My dad used to tell me stories about having to castrate hogs when he was a teenager. Scared the "cowboy" right out of me. Thanks for the comment. You are such an encouragement to me.

David Michael said...

Your post brought back some great memories. My dad was a cowboy, from the Ft. Worth stockyard days. He owned the branding shute for many years. We moved to a ranch outside of Chico when I was a senior in high school. My parents lived there 5 or 6 years while they tried to make a living in the cattle business. This was during the 70s, which was a tough time for the cattle business.

My favorite place to cowboy was in Montana on a ranch the summer I was 16. This ranch had 60+ sections. Seven miles off the road, 30 miles to town. That was the life! How 'bout some calf fries!

Lovell's Lookout said...

David- Great to hear from you. We have several people in our church from Chico. I have worked cattle on the Cherry Holmes Ranch which is just west of Chico. It is a big place for around here- around 15 sections.. I will be getting me some calf fries this next week!!

Kelly Vaughn said...

Ty, I just found your blog and have spent some time reading your posts from this year! I love these pictures! I am going to have show them to Tori. She is completely cowgirl!! All her present dreams include cowboys, cowgirls, and horses! She will love to see these pictures and she will want to know how we can find this place when we get home! Great reading your thoughts. I have missed you!
Great to see and know that God is using you in so many ways!
Blessings and encouragement to you friend.
Kelly Vaughn

Tim Michael said...

Looks like great fun there pahdnah. Allow me to echo earlier comments - great pics! And by the way, what sick twisted individual ever came up with the notion of taking a look at a pair of "mountain oysters" and saying to himself, "those look tasty! Think I'll fry myself up a batch. Yikes!

In my internet search I found "calf fries" are referred to among other things as: prairie oysters, Montana tendergroin (HA!), Whopper DLs, and my personal favorite..."swinging sirloin." I believe I'll stick with the Ribeye.

I enjoyed hangin with you guys last Sunday. Good times bro. TM