Saturday, October 16, 2004

Breakin the Silence

I wrote this two days after I had not seen my first attempt published..excuse the repetitiveness...

NOT that anyone would notice. But I am breaking my silence in the Blog world. Between family and church I have not made time for this adventure but here it quote for the month..

"We need to take our lives more seriously and ourselves less seriously. Seriously."

I am amazed how hard it is not to get sucked into our culture of entertaining, inebriating, numbing, or blaming. We take our selves way to seriously and our lives way to lite... To quote a famous Theologian...whom is so famous I cannot remember his name... we need to be asking the question: "How then shall we live?" God move us from existing to living. From surviving to celebrating. From avoiding to facing, conquering, and praising!!! May the approval issues that chain us in fear be broken to peaces with the realization that it is about HIM, HIS PURPOSES, and HIS GLORY being made manifest in our lives. He must become GREATER, I must become less...

1 comment:

Rob said...

There you are!! I've missed you. Hope you get your Blogoissues worked out. Your fans await...