Thursday, August 18, 2005

My Family

I am trying to get back into the BLOGosphere... posting more thoughts and learning to add photos... Here is a pic of my family!!! Rachel and I, Madeline (age 5) Samuel (3) and Lee and Tomlyn (2). I am a blessed man...


Brandon Scott Thomas said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS! I am speechless. How the heck did that happen? I mean, I know how it happened, I just mean HOW DID THAT HAPPEN????

What a beautiful family, dear friend. I miss you. It always makes me jealous when Stevie B. says he's meeting you or golfing with you. I mean even GOLFING would be fun with YOU.

Come see us.

Rob said...

Just like me (and BST), you definitely outkicked your coverage in the marriage area. Good for you. God takes care special care of babies and stupid people and you and I ain't no babies for sure.

Glad you're back though it's been two months since a fresh post. Come on now Ty! You back or ain't cha?